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Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

Tentang (sms)

Hasilkan uang dengan men-setting sebagai home page anda. Hasilkan uang lebih dengan men-setting sms sebagai search engine utama anda, semakin banyak pencarian yang anda lakukan semakin banyak uang yang anda hasilkan. Semudah itukah anda dapat menghasilkan uang melalui SlashMySearch (sms) ! Benar, untuk lebih jelasnya baca keterangan di bawah ini :

1. Daftar sekarang gratis dan hasilkan uang setiap harinya melalui sms.

2. Gunakan sms sebagai search engine utama anda dan hasilkan uang.

3. Uang yang anda hasilkan terhitung dari aktifitas anda surfing dari semua halaman yang anda telusuri melalui search engine sms.

4. Komisi yang diberikan sms sampai dengan 3 referal ! Ajak orang lain dan hasilkan uang lebih.

5. Penghasilan yang di dapat biasanya $180 (tanpa referral) atau sekitar Rp. 1.700.000 per bulan dengan menggunakan sms sebagai search engine anda ketika surfing di internet (tergantung durasi anda ketika surving). Semakin banyak waktu yang anda gunakan surving di internet, semakin banyak pula uang yang anda dapat.

6. Uang yang dihasilkan dapat meningkat $500 atau sekitar Rp. 4.500.000 jika anda mengajak orang lain untuk bergabung dengan sms.

7. Uang yang dapat anda tarik minimum jika saldo anda telah mencapai $20.

8. Anda akan menerima 2 email advertisments per bulan dari sms dan jangan anda anggap email tersebut spam.

9. Anda dapat dengan segera mendaftar, 100% gratis.

10. Bonus instan sejumlah $5 bagi member baru, waktu terbatas

11. bonus instan $15 bagi member dari Amerika serikat.

Apakah saya nanti diharuskan membayar ?

Program ini 100% gratis dan anda tidak akan diminta untuk membayar apapun, membeli sesuatu, signup pada sesuatu program atau apapun yang tidak masuk akal. Hanya gunakan sebagai homepage anda dan search engine utama anda untuk menghasilkan uang.

Kenapa sms ingin membayar anda ?

Periklanan untuk mendapatkan pengguna baru menghabiskan banyak dana, jadi kami mengutamakan membayar anda ketika anda menggunakan sms kami ditambah uang yang akan kami berikan ketika anda menerima email iklan dari kami. Dan juga, kami berpikir keuntungan yang dibuat di internet harus dibagikan dengan pengguna yang membuat hal ini terwujud. Terakhir, anda membantu kami menghasilkan uang sehingga kami dapat membuat pekerjaan yang lebih banyak dan menyumbangkannya untuk amal ditambah untuk membayar tagihan kami.

Apakah program ini seperti mlm, pyramid skema, dan sebagainya ?

Sepenuhnya bukan. Anda tidak akan pernah diharuskan membayar sesuatu apapun, cukup hanya dengan menjadi member dan mulai menghasilkan uang hari ini.

Bagaimana saya nantinya akan menghasilkan uang ?

ketika anda sign up, anda akan diberi petunjuk dan anda tinggal mengikuti petunjuk yang diberikan sebagai jalan untuk menghasilkan uang yang lebih banyak. Juga, cukup menggunakan sms sebagai search engine utama. SMS menawarkan segala macam tipe pencarian yang anda inginkan : web, image, news, video dan belanja. Kami juga menawarkan eBay Typo search yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya. Bagaimana anda bisa salah dengan hasil pencarian yang banyak, thumbnail dengan bermacam hasil dan pesan peringatan untuk website yang kemungkinan terdapat malware di dalamnya (virus, trojan, adware, phising, dan sebagainya) yang membantu anda dan komputer anda aman.

Apakah meng-klik pada iklan membuat saya mendapat uang ?

Tidak, meng-klik pada iklan dan membeli dari pengiklan kami tidak langsung berpengaruh pada penerimaan anda. anda diminta untuk menggunakan search engine kami seperti normalnya anda menggunakan search engine yang lain.

Berapa lama saya dapat memperoleh uang jika mengikuti program ini ?

Selamanya ! Jika anda mengajak orang, anda akan menerima persentase dari penerimaan mereka selamanya, ditambah penerimaan anda sendiri selama anda menggunakan sms sebagai homepage anda dan menggunakan kami sebagai search engine utama anda.

Dapatkah saya menggunakan sms tanpa bergabung dengan program ini ?

Ya anda dapat. Semua fitur dari sms dapat digunakan tanpa diharuskan mempunyai identitas keanggotaan. Kami menyambut baik semua orang untuk menggunakan beberapa fitur luar biasa kami tanpa harus membuat suatu akun keanggotaan.

Jika saya di ajak seseorang untuk bergabung dengan sms, apakah uang saya dari sms akan berkurang ?

Persentase ekstra yang didapatkan seseorang ketika mengajak seseorang tidak datang dari penghasilan orang yang diajaknya. Kami membayar uang ekstra dengan sumber yang berbeda jadi jangan khawatir ketika anda daftar karena diajak oleh orang lain.

Dapatkah saya mengajak seseorang yang satu rumah dengan saya ?

Ya anda dapat, namun anda harus menggunakan komputer yang berbeda. Kami hanya menerima satu keanggotaan per satu komputer. Satu orang tidak boleh mempunya labih dari satu keanggotaan.

Bagaimana sms akan memantau aktifitas saya ?

Anda akan otomatis dicek untuk aktifitas yang beberapa kali anda lakukan perjam dan di kreditkan untuk setiap segmen. Setiap halaman dan fitur pencarian di sms dihitung sebagai aktifitas. Pengecekan ini berdasarkan pada sistem kami dan tidak berdasarkan campur tangan dari anda atau bermacam link atau iklan untuk diklik.

Apakah saya harus login setiap saya akan melakukan pencarian ?

Tidak, sekali anda baca petunjuknya dan men-setup homepage anda sudah siap untuk berselancar. Anda akan melihat titik hijau di halaman homepage paling bawah yang memberitahukan kepada anda bahwa anda sudah melakukannya dengan benar. Jika tidak ada titik warna hijau, anda tinggal login lagi. Namun demikian, beberapa member dari kami login beberapa kali dalam sehari hanya untuk melihat berapa banyak uang yang sudah mereka hasilkan. Anda dibolehkan untuk menggunakan URL homepage anda lebih dari satu komputer, contohnya saat di rumah, tempat kerja ataupun sekolah. Untuk melakukan hal ini, setting homepage anda pada komputer yang berlainan dan login setidaknya satu kali setiap satu komputer.

Apakah saya diharuskan untuk mengajak seseorang bergabung ?

Tidak, anda dapat menggunakan program ini tanpa harus mengajak seseorang untuk bergabung. Anda tetap akan mendapatkan uang dan tetap dibayar. Namun, dengan mengajak orang lain untuk bergabung dapat meningkatkan penghasilan anda.

Apakah kontribusi dari sumbangan yang dilakukan sms akan mempengaruhi penerimaan saya ?

Kami sangat memegang kuat kedermawanan dan menyumbangkan penghasilan setiap bulan pada beberapa macam badan amal. Ini bukan berasal dari penerimaan anda, kami menonasikan dana setelah memenuhi kewajiban membayar kepada seluru member kami.

Apakah saya harus mendownload sesuatu ?

Tidak, seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas anda cukup men-setting homepage anda pada website kami. Namun, kami menawarkan pilihan 'Alexa' toolbar yang dibuat oleh ''. Toolbar ini akan mengajak anda untuk berbelanja di dan mencari web dengan mudah.

Bagaimana dengan privasi saya ?

Informasi yang kami kumpulkan pada waktu anda mendaftar hanya untuk mengetahui indentitas anda sehingga kami dapat membayar anda. Kami mempunya kebijakan privasi yang tinggi dan kami tidak akan pernah menjua, membagi atau menyewakan beberapa hal dari informasi identitas anda. Dan juga, indentitas anda tidak akan pernah berhubungan dengan beberapa hasil pencarian.

Anda tertarik untuk bergabung... klik di sini untuk mendaftar.

Minggu, 27 April 2008

Cari Uang Tambahan di paydotcom

Paydotcom adalah sebuah situs yang menawarkan kepada penggunanya untuk sekedar mempromosikan produk orang lain yang apabila pengguna berhasil menjual produk yang ditawarkan akan mendapatkan komisi. Rata-rata komisi yang diberikan berkisar antara 10 s/d 75 % dari harga jual produk ($20 s/d $250).
Anggap saja anda dalam sehari mampu menjual 10 produk yang masing-masing dari penjualan itu anda mendapatkan komisi $20, dalam sehari pendapatan yang didapat sebesar $200 (sekitar Rp. 1800.000). Cukup besar kan untuk pendapatan sehari orang Indonesia, lalu apabila dalam sehari anda rutin menjual sepuluh produk berapa yang akan anda dapatkan dalam sebulan ????? Woooo... Hitung sendiri.
Di sini kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun kecuali anda meng-upgrade member keanggotaan menjadi premium member yang nantinya akan mempunyai keleluasaan yaitu mendapatkan fasilitas untuk menjual produk yang tidak terbatas kuantitasnya.
Boleh dibilang yang kita butuhkan hanyalah seperangkat komputer dan akses internet, murah kan. Makanya buruan daftar (gratis kok). Klik di sini untuk daftar.

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

ebook Make Money Online

Promotion Tools for DATA ENTRY TYPERS - $300+ DAY!

Hello Friends,

Tired of Your Job? Or Looking for a Home Business? Today, You can Earn $200-$1,000 a day working for Online Businesses from the Comfort and Convenience of your Home. At the end of the day, you can also log into your Accounts to view your Earnings! This Program works because it is a very unique Internet Opportunity in which many are not aware and it does not require any Special Skills. Simply Enter and Submit a few sentences of Data Online and earn $10-$75 payments. And best of all, this Information can be Submitted Online Free. So why not Get Paid to Type Ads for Instant Profits? The more exposure, the more you make. It is the perfect opportunity for anyone that truly wants to Earn Extra Cash. More...

Want some extra cash to live the life you dream of?

Using the Torrent 4 Ca$h method you will not only be able to pay those bills on time but enjoy the lifestyle you want by increasing your income up to an extra $400 per day!

Learn More

My ViralToolbar

Just imagine the HUGE increase in traffic your site will get when you order your own custom toolbar. As you've seen, our customers often tell us the toolbar is the most effective marketing and customer relations tools they've ever used. That's when they put the toolbar up next to pay-per-click, ezine ads, PR, newspaper, TV commercials -- you name it!

The Toolbar is simply the best promotions idea ever devised for businesses with a website. Your toolbar constantly and automatically generates an avalanche of TARGETED traffic to your site. These visitors come already familiar with your name and products. They know you, trust you, and are ready to buy. This is WARM marketing at its absolute best. Learn More

Promotion Tools for The Lazy Millionaire

There is one difference, though... I no longer want for these things. I enjoy them every day.

Most people get up in the morning and rush around just to get involved in traffic congestion. Hurry up and wait! They spend all day, working for someone else, then get back into that commuting nightmare, just to flop down of the sofa in utter exhaustion.

Do you end up spending your vacation time, doing chores around the house? I spend mine doing whatever I really want to do. I can hire out for such chores, so why should I do them myself?

In the winter I am not stuck shoveling snow, to brave the slippery roads, in the name of getting to work. I work where and when I want to. No commute involved.

Let's get a couple things straight...

You want lots of money.
I'm not going to give it to you.

I will show you how to make it. Learn More

Promotion Tools for Think and Succeed Training Program - You Can! Make Money Online

A System That Simply Works, For Any Business Online!

You can have all the success you want on the Internet if you learn a few basic principles and apply them with skill. My program cuts through the BS that most information products on the Internet are full of. You'll be the beneficiary of an education that's taken 8+ years and over $100,000 in testing to discover. Now you can stop the insanity and become successful in any business you choose on the Internet with this 7 week fast track training program.

Make no mistake: This program is hard-core and a boot camp for success online. Do not make the mistake of comparing it with 'courses' or ebook or books you may have read about "how to make money on the Internet". It's completely different than anything you have seen or heard of online. It will kick you in the pants, and when you think you are ready to sit down and get comfortable, it will kick you again! It is the toughest course you'll ever take anywhere... it pulls no punches and tells you straight-out exactly what you need to succeed. Learn More...
Money Builder Kit Millionaire Edition
With the money builder kit you will learn:

How to make thousands of dollars with google adsense
How to make up to $150 000 a month with Ebay
How to start making $3000 to $10 000+ a month with little or no work at all
How to get FREE advertising
How to get THOUSANDS of people selling YOUR PRODUCT
How to make 1 million dollars in 1 year (2739.73 a day)
How to get paid for watching TV
You will also get

Tips on how to win the lottery
2 extra books with resale rights
3 websites that are already hosted and advertised for you. All you have to do is collect your money.
Wouldn't it be great if someone made a website, and made thousands of dollars from it every week. Then decided to just give that website away? Wouldn't it be even better if he did that with 3 different websites, and you were the one to get all of them? Well that is what I did, but I will also give you some extra books with resale rights, so you can make even MORE money. Hoch money? Most people make up to $3000 in JUST 1 WEEK!
Instant Ezine Publisher
But Here Is The Good News...
As Of Today, There Is A Better Way:

I've just finished a new system where all the work is done for you. You can instantly replicate my new ezine, have 52 powerful special reports (a full year's worth of contents!) uploaded to your mailing list system - and start publishing your own Internet Marketing ezine in just 5 minutes.

It's incredibly easy to set up. It literally becomes YOUR ezine, and you can start building your list right away. You can change anything you like, and you can send personal broadcast messages to your subscribers whenever you want. You choose your own name for your ezine, include your personal signature and a prominent link back to YOUR site every week.

It's the ultimate marketing machine.

But that's not all. Besides having your own ezine with top quality contents, there's an amazing profit generator included for you:

This New System Automatically
Sells ALL These Products For You:
  • Instant Sales Letters: You make $17.99-$24.74 per sale
  • Instant Internet Profits: You make $74.25 per sale
  • 33 days to Online Profits Video: You make $45.15 per sale
  • Advanced Copywriting Seminar-in-a-box: You make $124.24-$174.25 per sale
    Internet Marketing Lab Video set: You make $74.75 per sale
  • 21 Mind Motivators: You make $35.55-$62.65 per sale
  • Many Moore

Learn More....

ezClouds Link Cloud Script

ezClouds is a link cloud builder script to help you make more money from your affiliate websites by selling text links to other website owners.

You can add ezClouds to any and as many websites you want. ezClouds will pay for itself in no time.


Create a database
Edit DB login info
Setup the database at
DELETE the "install" folder
Configure admin settings at


Add "Links" to
Create Links.html content page
Add includes for links script to Links.html page created
Add includes for links script to other-content.php

Learn More...

Make Money Off Of The Debt Of Others ?

Did you know there is a secret little business out there where people buy charged off debt for pennies on the dollar ,and have it collected for the full amount. Legally!

That's right!!!!

make a lot of cash and it is totally legal! You can make thousands of dollars off of other peoples debts. You can buy debt for pennies on the dollar, have it collected and then Pocket the Profit!

This is not a "get-rich-quick" scam; this takes time and commitment. It is an honest opportunity to become financially independent so if you don't have anytime and,are looking for another scam then I might suggest that you stop reading and exit this site now .
Still here? Great! There is BIG MONEY to be made in the charged-off debt industry; people just like you and I are doing this day in and day out . You can do this in your spare time, weekends and evenings.

Making money this way has been a tightly held industry secret, and I am going to blow the lid off of it!

GUARANTEE: If "Learn how to buy charged off debt for pennies on the dollar" is not everything that we say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then we will refund every penny of your money. That's more than a guarantee, that's a promise.

Learn Moore...

The Profit Monster

Dear budding Internet Entrepreneur,

Do you dream of making easy money from home? If so, your search is finally over! Well, thanks to The Profit Monster's proven system thousands of people are fortunate enough to make several thousand dollars every week on the Internet simply working from home... and with my latest 2007 updated online VIDEO system you can now discover exactly how to make money online too!

This proven step-by-step video system is cutting edge, and as current Profit Monsters know, the potential for making money and realizing your dream is BIG. The Profit Monster Digital Earning System will work all day and all night for you, and will pump cash into your bank account non-stop! If you are a little skeptical, please check out this proof - CLICK HERE FOR PROOF OF MY EARNINGS. As you can see, the ability to make money from home anywhere in the world is REAL, and simply staggering... BUT the beauty is, all you need to do to make money online is simply follow The Profit Monster's proven techniques and strategies!

With this online income stream you will be able to quit your current job, leave the 'rat race', buy those nice things your husband or wife always wanted! Thanks to The Profit Monster's step-by-step online video system and support you will soon discover the secret to making money easily and virtually on autopilot!

I only fully launched The Profit Monster membership in July 2006 and already thousands of ordinary people just like you are earning a full time living online working from home thanks to this acclaimed money making system!


Learn More...

eBay Affiliate Website Builder

ezAffiliateWebsiteBuilder gives you the opportunity and makes building your affiliate websites a fun & easy process.

ezAWB gives you the power of creating your websites in minutes. We offer free videos for you to learn and get the most out of your eBay website builder. Also, our affiliate forum is a great resource for you to discuss and trade secrets with the eBay affiliate community.

ezAWB is an easy tool to build profitable websites and become a successful eBay affiliate. Build as many eBay affiliate websites as you want fast and easy with ez Affiliate Website Builder. Learn More

Mailorder & Affiliate Marketing Special Offer

At least an hundred times each month, I am asked ...

What is the easiest business to start?What business can make me money the fastest?

Two of the easiest businesses to start and make money fast are ...

Internet Marketing & Mailorder Marketing

Since I have made fortunes in both businesses, I have written reports on both subjects ... from my own, personal SUCCESSFUL experiences. (Over 15,000 of those reports have been sold since they were written.)

My Mailorder Course regularly sells for $49.95 - and - my Affiliate Marketing Course regularly sells for $99.95 -- a total of $149.90 for both courses. -- But ...

Since there is still a wide spread interest in these two businesses ... especially how they are similar and how they are different ... I have decided to combine both courses in a very Special Offer. -- SO ...
You may now order both my Mailorder Course and my Affiliate Markting Course for only $75 ... that's 50% of what both courses would cost you separately

Learn More...


“How Do I Make Money with WP Auction Master?”

The WP Auction Master Money Making Formula is very simple - use the traffic pulling power of the eBay Auction listings to have your blogs rank high in the Serach Engines and then display a practically unlimited variety of monetization methods on your blogs. In addition to the earnings you will get from the eBay Affiliate program, you can automatically display Google AdSense ads, CPA offers, banner ads, affiliate offers and practically anything else that you can think of.

WP Auction Master automatically displays eBay Auctions to your WordPress blog. Having keyword rich auction listings on your blog increases your blogs SEO value and gives you a powerful tool to generate revenue with your blog through the eBay Affiliate Program. Learn More


Click this link, And I'll Show You HowTo Earn $1,000.00+ Per Day Right On Your Own Computer...

And the Kicker is... You Can Do It Over And Over Again...Day After Day!"

"Checks Are Mailed EveryTwo Weeks. Home WorkersAre Used To Save Money ForOver 10,000 Online Companies

Autopilot Profits Machine

Imagine Seeing Cash Tomorrow

I'm going to give you a true plug-and-play, in-a-box system literally anybody—no matter what your skill level—can understand and use to generate positive cash flow in hours to days.

This is as close to an honest "set it and forget it" system you'll ever find.

All you have to do is plug in some traffic, and watch the money roll in like a tsunami. And I'm going to give you killer strategies for getting more traffic than Manhattan at rush hour, mostly at zero cost.

Some online gurus will tell you it takes time to build an online business. But I'm here to tell you it does NOT take much time to see cash.Lots of cash. So much cash you might think it's illegal. Trust me, it's not.

And that's spendable cash in your bank account. You can use your cash to buy that expensive sports car you've had your eye on, upgrade to a new house, take that dream trip you've been putting off until you "made it" online...whatever you want!

You don't need any of the stuff that takes a long time to set up...

You don't need to spend time creating a technically beautiful website (you don't need a site at all).
You don't need to hunt for a winning product to sell.
You don't need to spend big bucks on great sales copy.
You don't need employees, or inventory, or any of the things that make a "business" a pain in the neck.
You don't even need a single idea of your own.

Learn More... Elite Membership

Do You spend more money online than You make, or do You feel generally overwhelmed by this entire Make Money Online business?

Are You ready to start a new era
in Your online business, and finally begin to make money online? Click Here to learn moore.



You will be soon on your way to earning extra income from the comfort of your own home! You will be doing this by simply processing emails. Our member's only section was established to help you succeed and provide you with the greatest support available.

By following the system we provide and our free submission tools, these emails will be sent to you on a daily basis. Our program requires only basic computer skills and can be done wherever you have access to the internet. With our program we DO NOT use SPAM to make money; it is illegal and, frankly, not very effective in the first place.

Learn Moore...

AdSense Connection

How did I happen upon this system? Here's my story:

"Free" Money With AdSense:

About 18 months ago I became interested in the AdSense concept. I put AdSense code on an old site of mine and instantly started making a few dollars per day. I was hooked!

However, I was covered up at the time with other online projects. I wanted to work with AdSense, but could not devote much time to it.

By necessity, my AdSense work had to be limited in time spent each day. Luckily, the methods I began using worked! My system requires little work, yet my AdSense checks continue to grow each month!

I am very excited about helping you build an AdSense income for yourself!
Dedicated to Your Success,

Steve WeberWeber

Internet Marketing

My Promise:
Earn $500 per Month With AdSense in 5 Months!

More Info

"Affiliate Marketing Made Easy" by iTech Data

You've heard about people making money online, right?

Some of them make a living at it. Some of them have gotten rich. Very, very rich. How do they do it? Simple. AFFILIATE MARKETING! Almost every company with an online presence will pay you to help with advertising. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there doing this work from the comfort of their homes and making six-figure incomes. It's real and it's easy, but very few people actually know how to do it. If you get started in the wrong direction, you can end up losing money. Guess what? Using our tutorial, thousands of home workers currently make $500-$1000 per day by typing simple pieces of text and submitting them online. Read on and we'll teach you how to do it right! You're going to learn to make money using affiliate marketing. Ready to learn now? Click Here

Instant Wealth Generator

Introducing...A 100% Real Money Making Opportunity That Requires No Special Skills Or Experience To Get Started!

You know all those books, reports, manuals, and software products you see advertised all over the Internet and in the back of magazines or newspapers? The ones that show you "How To Loss 30 Pounds In 30 Days", "How To Erase Your Debts", or "Home Remedies For Common Problems". These these types of products are the back-bone of the Internet and mail order industry and have made many people extremely wealthy. These types of products have generated over $632 billion in sales in 2007. Selling these types of products continue to be one of the easiest and most profitable ways for people to build great wealth.

Ask almost anyone in the Internet or mail order business, and they'll most likely tell you that they made their first million by selling "how-to" information or some type of software product. They'll also tell you that the money they earned from selling these products led to bigger and better projects. But, without first selling "how-to" products, they wouldn't be multi-millionaires.Lots of people have already become multi-millionaires just by selling "how-to" information and software products on the Internet or by mail order. "How-to" information and software products are some of the best selling products in the world. People all over the world are buying these types of products like never before. A lot of people feel that selling "how-to" information or software products over the Internet or by mail is the "ultimate" business because it's very easy to do and extremely profitable. More

Online Income System Membership - Try it Risk Free!

"An Average 25 Year Old Girl Exposes The Scams & Myths of Overpriced, Hyped Up Money Making Programs & Finally Develops Her Own System To Making Hundreds of Dollars Every Single Day!"

The "My Online Income System " will allow you to:

Learn how to make money from your computer starting today
Live a higher quality life - more time, money and freedom
Find out why 83% of people fail to make money online
Use a proven money making system that works around the clock all year
Get a piece of this billion dollar online industry thats exploding exponentially


The Lazy Domainer - Make Money with Domains

Make Money with Domain Names. Learn The Basics and The Secrets.

Discover The Most Profitable Secrets of the Domain Business.

If you're tired of all the get rich stupid books (plenty of silly bonuses), or need a practical guide to make money online, then you need to read this.


I Won't Waste Your Time. I'll be as short as possible: you don't have to read +200 empty pages (besides, my English is awful so, it will be boring for you to read beyond what´s necessary).


I'll Show You How to Make Money Using a Technique Called "Domain Parking" Seeing Results in 48 Hs or Less! If You're new to this technique, you'll learn more about it in short. Domain Parking it's a Great Business with Guys (and Companies) Making Big Money/ Fortunes with Parking, and Guys... earning NOTHING from it.I was in the second group of course. I've been doing pennies with domain parking for 4 or 5 months until i've developed a strategy that took me to over over $1,400 a month in lessthan eight weeks!


Work-From-Home Data-Entry Training & Jobs

Over 10,000 members strong!Earning the money many of only dreamed of for doing simple work-from-home data entry.

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PTC (Paid To Click)

PTC (Paid To Click) adalah suatu Program periklanan yang memberikan kesempatan kepada pembacanya untuk sekedar melihat iklan yang ditawarkan dengan durasi waktu tertentu. Dimana nantinya setelah pembaca melewati batas waktu yang ditentukan akan mendapatkan komisi berupa sejumlah uang yang dikreditkan ke account kita apabila menjadi member mereka (gratis untuk menjadi member).
Komisi yang ditawarkan setiap kali kita meng-klik iklan mereka bervariasi, mulai dari $0,0001 s/d $0,1 atau bahkan lebih jika anda meng-upgrade status keanggotaan.Memang jika hanya mengandalkan untuk mengklik iklan mereka yang dibatasi sekali dalam sehari, akan susah mendapat jumlah dolar yang lumayan banyak dalam waktu yang singkat. Di sini kita diperbolehkan mencari refferal / kaki tangan sebanyak-banyaknya sehingga mereka akan mempermudah kita dalam meraup dolar, karena dari setiap pendapatan yang mereka dapatkan kita akan memperoleh bagian entah 20%, 50%, bahkan sampai ada yang 100% dari pendapatan mereka tanpa mengurangi saldo account refferal (kaki tangan).
Sebagai contoh anda mengikuti salah satu program ptc yang menyediakan 10 iklan setiap harinya, dan untuk masing-masing iklan yang mereka tawarkan memberikan komisi $0,01. Anda mempunyai 10 refferal seumpamanya, dari hasil anda sendiri mengklik 10 iklan setiap harinya akan mendapatkan $0,1, selama sebulan dari hasil anda sendiri akan didapat $3. Refferal anda jika aktif meng-klik iklan setiap harinya dan dalam program tersebut keuntungan 100% dari pendapatan refferal, maka anda akan mendapatkan $1 ($0,01 x 10 x 10) setiap harinya (sebulan $30). Jadi dalam sebulan pendapatan anda dalam program ini mencapai $33. Lumayan kan buat nambah penghasilan, itupun kalau anda ikut satu situs ptc. Bagaimana bila anda ikut 10 situs ptc, pasti otomatis lebih banyak kan penghasilan sampingan anda.
Sebenarnya masih banyak keuntungan yang dijanjikan oleh program ini dan anda akan lebih mengerti jika langsung terjun kedalamnya dengan menjadi member. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa banner dari situs-situs PTC yang saya ikuti, jika berniat mencoba klik aja salah satu banner untuk menjadi member.
"If you are looking to earn cash online safe and easy, this top 10 get paid to sites list is for you" (Source info ; PTC Talk). Jika anda mencari situs PTC yang dapat dipercaya, di bawah ini 10 besar ptc yang oleh ptc talk (sebuah forum yang memfokuskan pada seluk beluk ptc) diakui dapat didipercaya :

Join the Pay-To-Click program!

"Yuwie" Satu-satunya di dunia Website Social Networking yang Membayar Penggunanya

Udah pernah denger ma yang namanya MySpace,Friendster ato Facebook kan…???
Semua itu adalah Social NetWorking yang bikin kita mudah nambah temen lewat profile online mereka dan nglakuin sesuatu apa aja kaya sharing photo,comment,dll.

Ni aku akan bahas tentang Yuwie..mungkin kalian jarang denger,,ato mungkin belum pernah denger sama sekali…
Yuwie tu sma ky’ Friendster,,tp bedanya kL di Yuwie para membernya tu dibayar dari iklan2 yg mrka keLoLa…

Kq bisa??

Gni ni,ap aj yg qt lakuin d Yuwie dari Buka Profile,UpLoad photo,kirim comment,ngjak tmen bwt Join,nuLis Blog,Chat dll ad imbalannya.Bahkan hnya Log in&ngutak-ngutik di ProfiLe Yuwie qt sendiri jg dibayar loch.Trus kL ad tmen yg liat2 album photo qta,kirim comment ke qta,kirim blog/mungkin cuma’ ngeKLIK2 doang,qt juga udh dapet komisi dari YUWIE…Bahkan kita sendiri yg nglakuin jg dibayar,,! =D
Kamu akan dapat Blog dimana kalian bisa ngisi apa aja,kamu juga bakal dapat profile sendiri klo udah daftar (gratis koq…)..Disitu bisa ganti2 Lay Out..Sama kaya Social NetWorking yang lainnya..Bisa UpLoad photo,kirim comment,kirim messages,dll.

Trus gimana Yuwie akan bayar kita…???
Yuwie akan bayar kita klo kita sering aktif di Yuwie,,contohnya aja kita Log In..UpLoad photo,kirim messages,kirim comment,buat blog,dapet comment,dll.Pokoknya kita ngeKLIK2 aja juga dibayar koq.Selain itu,,kamu juga bakal dapet komisi kalo ngajak temen2 kamu gabung di komunitas YUWIE.

Lewat apa siy…???Nah,ada 2 pilihan niy… :
  • Dari PaypaL.Klo blum punya,,Sign Up aja disini..Gratis kug.. bagi yang belum tahu cara caftar di paypal, begini langkah-langkahnya:

Dari halaman utama paypal klik sign up, seperti ditunjukkan gambar di bawah ini.

Kemudian pada halaman selanjutnya pilih negara tempat kamu tinggal. Setelah muncul halaman selanjutnya klik 'continue'.

Kemudian isi data-data kamu.

Pada halaman selanjutnya, bila kamu ingin menambahkan kartu kredit maupun debit untuk digunakan bertransaksi di internet, isikan data-data yang diminta. Jika ingin menambahkannya nanti, tekan aja cancel. setelah itu klik 'continue'.

Untuk mengaktifkan akun paypal yang kamu buat, kamu harus mengaktifkannya secara manual dengan login ke email tempat kamu mendaftar di paypal. Setelah klik email konfirmasi dari paypal. Paypal kamu siap digunakan.

Lalu Bagaimana Yuwie akan membayar kamu. Nah,gini,,komisi yang kita terima dari YUWIE akan dikreditkan ke Paypal dulu’,,biz tu dari Paypal akan dipindahkan ke Rekening Bank kamu,,bisa BCA,BNI,BRI,Mandiri,Lippo,Danamon,,,pokonya banyak dech...

Bisa juga lewaat Cek.Tapi klo lewat ini,,kamu akan kna biaya pengiriman.

Ilustrasi pembayarannya kaya’ gini nih… :

Misalnya kamu ngajak temen bwt join ke Yuwie..trus tmen kamu jg ngajak 3 temen lagi sampai 10 level,,klo digambarin kaya’ gini :

Jadi,totalnya sekitar Rp 90juta’an..Keren kaaaannn…???
Makanya,,join yuk di Yuwie…Daripada Social Networking yang Lain…
Mana ada yang mau bayar selain Yuwie…???
Intinya gini :
-kita buka Profile,halaman blog,kirim2an comment,liat2 lay out dan semua aktifitas yang ada hubungannya lewat Yuwie pasti kita dapat komisi.Makanya,,buruan registrasi ke Yuwie,,GRATIS! Soooo,,click di sini atau click banner di bawah. Mereka akan menjelaskan proses selangkah demi selangkah. Buruan segera daftar dan siap-siap untuk dibayar.

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